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Genus Dipodomys
Taxonomic classification

From Hoffmeister (1986): "Small sized rats with long tails, long hind feet, relatively short front feet, greatly inflated auditory bullae, and white underparts. The thigh has a white stripe extending from the flank to the base of the tail, and tail has lateral white stripes with a dark stripe above and often below. Teeth hypsodont."


  • Dipodomys merriami. Notice the very long tail (relative to body length), white underparts, white stripe on the thigh, and lateral white stripe on tail that is dark above.
  • Dipodomys merriami in the field. Even from a distance, members of this genus are easy to recognize with their long tail, white stripe on the thigh, and lateral white stripe on tail that is dark above. Image by Alan Harper.
  • Greatly inflated auditory bullae, shown in Dipodomys ordii
  • Dipodomys ingens, the largest species of Heteromyidae in North America. Image by Alyssa Semerdjian.

Available taxon pages

The following subgenera are available on WhiskerWiki for this genus:

Brief character comparison

Species Toes Tail tip Size
Dipodomys agilis 5 brown or black medium to large
Dipodomys californicus 4 white large
Dipodomys compactus 5 brownish medium
Dipodomys deserti 4 white large
Dipodomys elator 4 white large
Dipodomys heermanni 5 dusky to dusky-blackish medium to large
Dipodomys ingens 5 dark large
Dipodomys merriami 4 dusky small to medium
Dipodomys microps 5 dark, sometimes tip appears pale medium
Dipodomys nitratoides 4 buff small
Dipodomys ordii 5 dark medium to large
Dipodomys panamintinus 5 dusky medium to large
Dipodomys simulans 5 dark medium
Dipodomys spectabilis 4 white large
Dipodomys stephensi 5 dark medium
Dipodomys venustus 5 dark large


Hoffmeister, D.F., 1986. Mammals of Arizona. The University of Arizona Press.

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