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Dipodomys spectabilis

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Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat
(Dipodomys spectabilis)
Taxonomic classification
Binomial details
Dipodomys spectabilis Merriam, 1890


From Armstrong et al. (2010): "The banner-tailed kangaroo rat is a large rodent, similar in color to the much smaller Ord's kangaroo rat [Dipodomys ordii] except that the tail, with its large white top and proximal black band, is even more striking (hence the vernacular and scientific names). Only 4 toes are present on the hindfoot. The lateral tail stripes extend only about half the length of the tail."

From Hoffmeister (1986): "A large species of Dipodomys with the distal half of the tail black that is conspicuously tipped terminally with white; hind feet long, usually more than 45 mm, and with only four toes; skull with auditory bullae greatly enlarged but not to the point of eliminating the supraoccipital and interparietal; maxillary arches heavy and flared out."

Dipodomys spectabilis observed in Chihuahua, Mexico, by Enrique Perez Carrillo.

External measurements

Length measurements are in millimeters (mm) and weight measurements are in grams (g), unless stated otherwise. If available, the sample size (n=) is provided. If a range is not provided and n= is not given, then the listed measurement represents an average.

Part of range Reference Total length Tail length Hindfoot length Ear length Mass
Arizona (Cochise County, vicinity of San Simon and Willcox) Hoffmeister (1986) 322–353 (n=13) 180–206 (n=13) 45–57 (n=13)
Arizona (Santa Cruz County, vicinity of Nogales) Hoffmeister (1986) 318–351 (n=16) 182–204 (n=16) 46–54 (n=16)
Colorado Armstrong et al. (2010) 310–350 180–210 47–51 90–135
New Mexico (Lincoln County, vicinity of Roswell) Hoffmeister (1986) 340–373 (n=13) 191–221 (n=13) 53–56 (n=13)
Texas Schmidly & Bradley (2016) 350 210 53 115

Similar species

From Armstrong et al. (2010): "The banner-tailed kangaroo rat differs from Ord's kangaroo rat [Dipodomys ordii] in having 4 toes on the hindfeet and a striking white-tipped tail with a solid black band proximal to the white tip."

From Hoffmeister (1986): "D. spectabilis, because of its large size, long feet, four toes only on hind feet, and large skulls, needs comparison only with D. deserti. D. spectabilis differs from D. deserti as follows: terminal white tip on tail more conspicuous; dorsal and ventral dark stripes on tail unite to form a nearly solid subterminal area of black or dark gray; interparietal present and supraoccipital narrow, but usually 1.0 mm wide or greater at narrowest constriction; suture between frontal and maxillary arm of zygomatic arch longer; rostrum heavier; external auditory meatus rounder and smaller; ventral stripe on tail darker and broader."

Dipodomys ordii. Notice that the tail of this species lacks a white tip.
Dipodomys deserti observed by Kyle Nessen. Notice that the tail of this species lacks a solid black band proximal to the white tip.


Armstrong DM, Fitzgerald JP, Meaney CA. 2010. Mammals of Colorado, Second Edition. Denver (CO, USA): University Press of Colorado.

Hoffmeister DF. 1986. Mammals of Arizona. Tucson (AZ, USA): University of Arizona Press.

Schmidly DJ, Bradley RD. 2016. The mammals of Texas. Austin (TX, USA): University of Texas Press.

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