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Key to the Long-tailed Shrews of the US and Canada

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This key to the long-tailed shrews (genus Sorex) of the United States and Canada is based on Junge and Hoffman (1981). It was modified by Laura Steger to accommodate recent taxonomic revisions.

Junge, J.A. and Hoffman, R.S., 1981. An annotated key to the long-tailed shrews (Genus Sorex) of the United States and Canada with notes on middle American Sorex. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, The University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. Number 94; Pages 1-48. Link


  • Usually no post-mandibular foramen (Fig. 1a); or if present, small and often only on one mandible. Unicuspids with a ridge, usually pigmented, on the face, running from apex to cingulum, sometimes ending in a pigmented cusplet (Fig. 2a) . . . . . subgenus Otiosorex
  • Figure 1. Arrow points to the location of the post-mandibular canal. Modified from Junge and Hoffman (1981).
  • Figure 2. Ventro-lateral view of rostrum, showing occlusal surface of unicuspid teeth; a) with pigmented ridge, and b) lack of pigmented ridge. Borrowed from Junge and Hoffman (1981).


Return to couplet #1

  • Unicuspid toothrow "crowded", only three unicupsids easily visible in lateral (buccal) view; U3 tiny, disc-like; U4 of normal size and shape; U5 minute. Accessory medial tine (projection resembling a prong) on the anterior surface of first upper incisor (I1) is relatively large and long. Condylobasal (CB) length 12.7–15.8 mm. Distribution boreal and montane. . . . . . 4
Only three unicupsids easily visible in lateral (buccal) view. Third and fifth unicuspid are tiny and barely visible.
Accessory medial tines (projections) on the anterior surface of the first upper incisors are relatively large and long.
  • Four or five unicuspids visible from side; U3 equal to or larger than U4, or if smaller, of normal shape rather than disc-like. Medial tine, if present, not as above. . . . . . 3


Return to couplet #2

  • U3 and U4 usually equal in size, or if different U3 slightly smaller; anterior edges of zygomatic plate posterior to plane separating M1 and M2; rostrum unusually long and narrow. Unicuspids widely spaced, relatively narrow; ridge on lingual face of unicuspids often lacking pigment.... Sorex dispar
Unicuspids of Sorex dispar
Upper incisors of Sorex dispar
In S. dispar, the anterior margin of the zygomatic plate is located over the anterior end of the second molar (M2). Based on Naughton (2012) and Diersing (2019).
Lateral view of the skull of Sorex dispar
Range of Sorex dispar


Return to couplet #2

  • Distribution: Sorex hoyi was split in 2020 by Hope et al. Western populations of S. hoyi are now referred to as S. eximius.....Sorex eximius
  • Unicuspids of Sorex eximius
  • Upper incisors of Sorex eximius
  • Range of Sorex eximius
  • Distribution: Eastern US and Canada.....Sorex hoyi
  • Unicuspids of Sorex hoyi. Note that this is an old individual and the teeth are worn.
  • Upper incisors of Sorex hoyi.
  • Range of Sorex hoyi


Return to couplet #3

  • U3 usually distinctly smaller than U4, sometimes subequal. . . . . . 6
U3 distinctly smaller than U4, as shown in S. monticola
U3 distinctly smaller than U4, as shown in S. sonomae
  • U3 usually larger than U4, sometimes subequal. Sorex fumeus and Sorex cinereus group. . . . . . 14
Unicupsids of S. fumeus showing U3 larger than U4
Unicupsids of S. cinereus showing U3 slightly larger than U4


Return to couplet #5

  • Skull large, condylobasal (CB) length usually more than 19.0 mm. . . . . . 7
  • Skull medium to small, condylobasal (CB) length usually less than 19.0 mm. . . . . . 9


Return to couplet #6

  • Largest North American Sorex, CB length 20.8–23.8 mm; skull and teeth robust; rostrum relatively long, broad, distinctly downcurved; medial tine may be large, placed high on face of I1, pigmented; pigmented area of incisor may curve up to meet that of tine. Distribution, northwest Pacific coast....Sorex bendirii
  • Medial tine absent or, if present, small and placed low on medial face of I1; somewhat smaller, CB length 19.0–22.8 mm; skull and teeth not so robust, rostrum not downcurved. . . . . . 8


Return to couplet #7

  • Small medial tines present on I1; unicuspids longer than wide in ventral view. Distribution, boreo-montane. . . . . . 26
Upper incisors of Sorex palustris. Borrowed from Nagorsen et al. (2017).
Upper incisors of Sorex navigator. Borrowed from Nagorsen et al. (2017).
  • No medial tines present on I1; unicuspids wider than long to approximately quadrate in ventral view. Distribution, Pacific coast....Sorex pacificus
Range of Sorex pacificus


Return to couplet #6

  • Medial tine begins above main pigmented area of first incisors. . . . . . 10
  • Medial tine contained entirely within pigmented area of first incisor. . . . . . 11
Upper incisors of Sorex sonomae, scale is 1 mm
Unicuspids of Sorex sonomae, scale is 1 mm
Range of Sorex sonomae


Return to couplet #9

  • Skull larger, CB length 15.5–17.5 mm. Usually distinct unpigmented gap between upper pigmented area of first incisor and pigmented medial tine. Rostrum relatively long and narrow, cranium relatively inflated. Unicuspids quadrate or longer than wide; U1 and U2 more robust, bulbous; U3 definitely smaller than U4. Distribution western North America....Sorex vagrans
Upper incisors of Sorex vagrans, scale is 1 mm
Unicuspids of Sorex vagrans, scale is 1 mm
Lateral view of skull of Sorex vagrans
Range of Sorex vagrans
  • Skull smaller, CB length 13.8–15.6 mm (except S. l. fisheri, 15.4–16.4 mm). Usually no definite gap between pigmented areas of incisor and medial tine. Rostrum relatively short and broad, cranium relatively flat. Unicuspids wider than long; U1 and U2 less robust, not bulbous; U3 and U4 sometimes subequal. Distribution, southeastern North America....Sorex longirostris
Range of Sorex longirostris


Return to couplet #9

  • CB length 15.4 mm or more; in ventral view, U3 usually distinctly smaller than U4. . . . . . 12
Unicupsids of S. monticolus showing U3 distinctly smaller than U4
  • CB length 15.3 mm or less; U3 and U4 may sometimes appear subequal in ventral view. . . . . . 13


Return to couplet #11

  • Condylobasal length 16.1–19.2 mm; cranium relatively inflated. Unicuspids become appressed posteriorly, U5 against P4, with no noticeable gap between U5 and P4 along medial edge. Distribution, northwestern montane and boreal North America (mostly north and east of S. ornatus). . . . . . 27 (Sorex monticolus or Sorex obscurus)
Range of Sorex monticolus
Range of Sorex obscurus
  • Condylobasal length 15.4–17.0 mm; cranium relatively flat. Unicuspid toothrow less appressed posteriorly, so that there is a distinct triangular gap between U5 and P4 along the medial edge. Distribution, California, south from the San Francisco Bay area, west of the crest of the Sierra Nevada, Santa Catalina Island, and Baja California (mostly south and west of S. monticolus)....Sorex ornatus
Lateral view of the skull of Sorex ornatus
Unicuspids of Sorex ornatus. Borrowed from Owen & Hoffman, 1983.
Range of Sorex ornatus


Return to couplet #11

  • Condylobasal length 13.8–14.8 mm; cranium extremely flat. Distribution, discontinuous, mostly montane, in Rocky Mountains, Colorado Plateau, and western Great Plains....Sorex nanus
Upper incisors of Sorex nanus
Unicuspids of Sorex nanus
Range of Sorex nanus
  • Condylobasal length 14.5–15.3 mm; cranium less flat. Distribution, southern Great Basin....Sorex tenellus
Upper incisors of Sorex tenellus
Unicuspids of Sorex tenellus
Range of Sorex tenellus


Return to couplet #5

  • Skull large, CB length 17.8–19.0 mm; palate broad; maxillary breadth greater than 4.6 mm; cranium usually flattened to some degree, sometimes extremely so. Unicuspids wider than long; ridge on lingual face of unicuspid often lacking pigment. Small post-mandibular foramen sometimes present, at least on one mandible. Distribution, northeastern United States and southeastern Canada....Sorex fumeus
Unicuspids of Sorex fumeus, scale is 1 mm
Upper incisors of Sorex fumeus, scale is 1 mm
Lateral view of the skull of Sorex fumeus.
Range of Sorex fumeus
  • Skull small to moderate, CB length 13.8–17.0 mm, the larger species with inflated braincase. Maxillary breadth less than 4.6 mm; unicuspids relatively narrow, quadrate to longer than wide. . . . . . 15


Return to couplet #14

  • Extremely small, CB length 13.8–14.6 mm, skull relatively flat. Unicuspid teeth closely appressed, rostrum relatively short. When sympatric with S. cinereus and S. haydeni, this is the smaller shrew. Distribution, Columbia plateau to western Great Plains....Sorex preblei
Unicuspids of Sorex preblei.
Sorex preblei upper incisors.
Range of Sorex preblei
  • Usually larger, CB length usually 14.6–17.0 mm (but to 14.1 mm in some populations); unicuspids well-spaced; rostrum relatively more elongate. . . . . . 16


Return to couplet #15


Return to couplet #16

Range of Sorex pribilofensis
Range of Sorex jacksoni


Return to couplet #16

  • Usually smaller, CB length 14.1–15.6 mm; unicuspid toothrow relatively shorter, M2-M2 width relatively larger; ratio of length of unicuspid toothrow to M2-M2 width usually less than 0.6. . . . . . 19

  • Usually larger, CB length 14.6–17.0 mm; unicuspid toothrow relatively longer, width of M2-M2 relatively smaller; ratio of unicuspid toothrow length to M2-M2 width usually greater than 0.6. . . . . . 20


Return to couplet #18

  • Restricted to northern Great Plains area, south of 55 degrees N Latitude....Sorex haydeni
Range of Sorex haydeni
  • Restricted to tundra of extreme northwestern North America, north of 58 degrees N Latitude....Sorex cinereus (in part)
Unicuspids of Sorex cinereus
Range of Sorex cinereus


Return to couplet #18

  • CB length 14.6–15.2 mm; cranium relatively flat; rostrum broad, and unicuspid toothrow slightly shorter. Distribution, southern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, northeastern Virginia....Sorex fontinalis
Unicuspids of Sorex fontinalis, scale is 1 mm
Upper incisors of Sorex fontinalis, scale is 1 mm
Lateral view of skull of Sorex fontinalis
Range of fontinalis
  • CB length 15.0–17.0 mm; cranium inflated; rostrum narrow, and unicuspid toothrow slightly longer. . . . . . 21


Return to couplet #20

Range of Sorex lyelli
  • Found throughout much of northern and middle latitudes of North America....Sorex cinereus (in part)
Unicuspids of Sorex cinereus
Range of Sorex cinereus


Return to couplet #1

  • U3 usually smaller than U4. Small medial tine high on anterior face of I1. Distribution, Pacific Coast....Sorex trowbridgii
  • Unicuspids of Sorex trowbridgii
  • Upper incisors of Sorex trowbridgii
  • Range of Sorex trowbridgii


Return to couplet #22

  • No medial tine on anterior face of I1. Palate unusually broad; CB length 15.0–16.6 mm. Distribution, Columbia Plateau and Great Basin to western Great Plains....Sorex merriami
  • Unicuspids of Sorex merriami, modified from Diersing & Hoffmeister (1977).
  • Upper incisors of Sorex merriami. Borrowed from Diersing & Hoffmeister (1977).
  • Range of Sorex merriami.
  • Medial tine on anterior face of I1; palate not usually broad. . . . . . 24


Return to couplet #23

  • CB length 16.5 or less, maxillary toothrow 6.0–6.4 mm. Described only from mountains of Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent Mexico....Sorex arizonae
  • Upper incisors of Sorex arizonae.
  • Unicuspids of Sorex arizonae. Borrowed from Diersing & Hoffmeister (1977). The third upper unicuspid is equal to or larger than the fourth.
  • Range of Sorex arizonae
  • Skull length 17.0 mm or more; maxillary toothrow 6.0–7.8 mm. Found in upper Great Lakes, northeastern Great Plains, Canada, and Alaska. . . . . . 25


Return to couplet #24

  • CB length 18.3–20.3 mm; maxillary toothrow 6.8–7.8 mm. Unicuspid row appears uncrowded; unicuspids robust and appear bulbous in ventral view. Distribution, upper Great Lakes, northeastern Great Plains, and Canada, except NW Yukon and extreme NW British Columbia....Sorex arcticus
  • Upper incisors of Sorex arcticus, scale is 1 mm
  • Upper unicuspids of Sorex arcticus, scale is 1 mm
  • Range of Sorex arcticus
  • CB length 17.0–18.5 mm; maxillary toothrow 6.0–6.9 mm. Unicuspids appear crowded, less robust, not bulbous. Distribution, Alaska, Yukon, and extreme NW British Columbia....Sorex tundrensis tundrensis
  • Upper incisors of Sorex tundrensis from Alaska
  • Unicuspids of Sorex tundrensis from Alaska
  • Range of Sorex tundrensis in North America


These are relatively large, dark shrews with fimbriated toes. Return to couplet #8

  • Upper incisors of Sorex palustris. Borrowed from Nagorsen et al. (2017).
  • Range of Sorex palustris.

  • Upper incisors of Sorex navigator. Borrowed from Nagorsen et al. (2017).
  • Range of Sorex navigator.

  • Range of albibarbis.


Return to couplet #12


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