Key to the Reithrodontomys of the USA
This key to the harvest mice (Reithrodontomys) of the United States is borrowed from Spencer & Cameron (1982).
Spencer SR, Cameron GN. 1982. Reithrodontomys fulvescens. Mammalian species (174): 1-7.
- First primary fold of M3 at least as long as second primary fold, each usually extending more than halfway across crown; worn occlusal surface of left m3 S-shaped.... Reithrodontomys fulvescens
- First primary fold of M3 distinctly shorter than second primary fold, extending less than halfway across crown; worn occlusal surface of left m3 C-shaped . . . . . 2
Return to couplet #1
- Distinct labial ridge, often with cusplets, on m1 and m2; major fold and 2nd primary fold in M1 and M2 tending to coalesce, isolating anterior cusps from posterior cusps; occurring in southeastern USA... Reithrodontomys humulis
- No distinct labial ridge on m1 and m2; major fold and second primary fold in M1 and M2 meeting but not coalescing, and thus isolating anterior cusps from posterior cusps; not occurring in southeastern USA . . . . . 3
Return to couplet #2
- Breadth of braincase not exceeding 9.6; rostrum short and broad; tail shorter than head and body; occurring in Great Plains and southwestern USA.... Reithrodontomys montanus
- Breadth of braincase more than 9.5; rostrum longer and narrower; tail approximately equal to, or longer than head and body . . . . . 4
Return to couplet #3
- Fur of upperparts long, dense, heavily pigmented; ears blackish; occurring in salt marshes in vicinity of San Francisco Bay, California... Reithrodontomys raviventris
- Fur of upperparts shorter and less dense, varying from pale buff to reddish brown; ears buffy or fuscous; not occurring in salt marshes in vicinity of San Francisco Bay, California... Reithrodontomys megalotis