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Key to the species of Scapanus

From WhiskerWiki

This key to the species of Scapanus is borrowed from Álvarez-Castañeda & Cortes-Calva (2021).

Álvarez-Castañeda ST, Cortes-Calva P. 2021. Revision of moles in the genus Scapanus. Therya, 12(2), 275-281. https://doi.org/10.12933/therya-21-1174


  • Dorsal coloration usually brown to gray. All unicuspid teeth with variable spacing between them and usually crowded; rostrum short and broad . . . . . 2
  • Dorsal coloration almost black. All unicuspid teeth with regular spacing between them, and not crowded; rostrum long and narrow . . . . . 4


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  • Fewer than seven unicuspid teeth behind the incisors in the mandible and maxilla; total skull length less than 32.5 mm... Scapanus anthonyi
  • Seven unicuspid teeth behind the incisors in the mandible and maxilla; total skull length >32.5 mm . . . . . 3


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  • Total length >161.0 mm. Skull length >34.0 mm in males and 33.4 in females. Ratio of mastoidal breadth to greatest skull length <49%, including the population of Alameda Island, California.... Scapanus latimanus
  • Total length <161.0 mm. Skull length <34.0 mm in males and 33.4 in females. Ratio of mastoidal breadth to greatest skull length >49%, not including the population of Alameda Island, California.... Scapanus occultus


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  • Total length >200.0 mm on average. Sublacrimal-maxillary ridge well developed; skull >40.0 mm... Scapanus townsendii
  • Total length <200.0 mm on average. Sublacrimal-maxillary ridge little developed; skull <40.0 mm.... Scapanus orarius
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