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Keys by region

From WhiskerWiki


Small Mammals of Alaska by MacDonald (2003)


Key to the Bats of Colorado by Schorr & Navo (revision July 2014)


Key to the Skulls of Adult Mammals of Georgia and the Southeastern United States by Mengak & Moore (2021)

New Mexico

Shrew skulls

Key to the Rodents of New Mexico by Jennifer Frey. From the author: This key to the rodents of New Mexico should be regarded as a working draft document. Please email Jennifer Frey with any corrections or problems.

Region: Northeast

Fauteux D, Lupien G, Fabianek F, Gagnon J, Séguy M, Imbeau L. An illustrated key to the mandibles of small mammals of eastern Canada. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 2014 Mar 23;128(1):25-37.

Region: South

Dichotomous Keys to the Mammals of the South by Order by Brian R. Chapman, Steven B. Castleberry, and Joshua Laerm


Shrews and moles

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