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Neotoma stephensi

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Stephens's Woodrat
(Neotoma stephensi)
Taxonomic classification
Subgenus:Neotoma (subgenus)
Binomial details
Neotoma stephensi E. A. Goldman, 1905


From Armstrong et al. (2010): “Stephen's woodrat is small and pale yellow to buff-gray in color. The belly and throat are white, the hairs of the throat gray at their bases. The tail is indistinctly bicolored, with the hairs relatively long and slightly bushy at the tip.”

From Hoffmeister (1986): “A species of Neotoma of small size but with a bushy tail, some hairs in the throat area in most populations with dark pigment in the basal part (not white-throated).” Additionally, “dusky coloration extends down the top of hind foot one-fourth to one-third the distance below the ankle, underparts are usually suffused with an ochraceous or buffy wash.”

Neotoma stephensi observed in Arizona by Rick Overson and Laura Steger.
Hind foot of Neotoma stephensi showing the dusky coloration that extends down the top of the hind foot one-fourth to one-third the distance below the ankle. Photograph by Rick Overson.
Underparts of an adult Neotoma stephensi showing a buffy wash. Photograph by Rick Overson.

External measurements

Length measurements are in millimeters (mm) and weight measurements are in grams (g), unless stated otherwise. If available, the sample size (n=) is provided. If a range is not provided and n= is not given, then the listed measurement represents an average.

Part of range Reference Total length Tail length Hindfoot length Ear length Mass
Arizona (Kearns Canyon and Jadito) Hoffmeister (1986) males: 281–333 (n=11); females: 274–317 (n=13) males: 112–144 (n=11); females: 115–149 (n=13) males: 30–33 (n=11); females: 29–33 (n=13) males: 27–30 (n=11); females: 25–28 (n=13)
Arizona (vicinity of Kingman and Hualapai Mtns.) Hoffmeister (1986) males: 283–337 (n=17); females: 264–329 (n=17) males: 120–153 (n=17); females: 106–148 (n=17) males: 30–34 (n=17); females: 30–34 (n=17) males: 22–29 (n=17); females: 22–30 (n=17)
Colorado Armstrong et al. (2010) 280–333 112–144 30–33 27–30

Similar species


Habitat of Neotoma stephensi in Coconino National Forest, Arizona. Photograph by Laura Steger.


Armstrong DM, Fitzgerald JP, Meaney CA. 2010. Mammals of Colorado, Second Edition. Denver (CO, USA): University Press of Colorado.

Goldman EA. 1905-02-02. Twelve new wood rats of the genus Neotoma. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 18:27-33.

Hoffmeister DF. 1986. Mammals of Arizona. Tucson (AZ, USA): University of Arizona Press.

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