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Genus Perognathus
Taxonomic classification

Available taxon pages

The following subgenera are available on WhiskerWiki for this genus:

Character comparison for Perognathus

Images showing antitragus, rump spines, and location of the preauricular and postauricular spot are below this table.

Species Size Pelage appearance Postauricular patch Subaruicular spot Antitragus Tail bicolored Tail crest Tail tuft Rump spines Lateral lines Lateral line color
Perognathus alticola medium smooth present; faint present; small lobed distinctly present absent absent faint
Perognathus amplus small smooth present; light-colored (not especially conspicuous) present; white absent distinctly (more or less) absent absent absent present buffy
Perognathus fasciatus small to medium smooth present: buffy present; white absent indistinctly absent absent absent present bright buffy to yellowish buff
Perognathus flavescens small to medium smooth present; small, clear buff absent absent indistinctly absent absent absent present; clear buff dark ochraceous to pale yellowish
Perognathus flavus small smooth present; buff present; white or buff absent no absent absent absent present; may be indistinct, buff buff or ochraceous
Perognathus inornatus small smooth indistinct, buffy absent absent indistinctly absent absent absent present pale yellowish
Perognathus longimembris small smooth present; faint when present, it is faint absent distinctly or indistinctly absent present absent absent or faint
Perognathus merriami small smooth present; clear buff present; white absent indistinctly absent absent absent faint
Perognathus mollipilosus medium smooth present present lobed distinctly present; slightly crested absent absent present; faint olive colored or ochraceous
Perognathus parvus medium smooth present present lobed distinctly present; slightly crested absent absent present; faint olive colored or ochraceous

Character gallery for Perognathus

  • Arrow points to the location of the postauricular patch of the Silky Pocket Mouse (Perognathus flavus).
  • Arrow points to the location of the subauricular patch of Silky Pocket Mouse (Perognathus flavus).
  • Arrow points to the lobed antitragus of the Great Basin Pocket Mouse (Perognathus mollipilosus).
  • Arrow points to the rump spines (guard hairs) of the Spiny Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus spinatus).
  • Left arrow points to the tail tuft and down arrow points to the tail crest of the Rock Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus intermedius).
  • Arrow points to the wide, orangeish-yellow lateral line of the Hispid Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus hispidus); also note the distinctly bicolored tail of this species.
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