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Peromyscus laceianus

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Northern White-ankled Deermouse
(Peromyscus laceianus)
Taxonomic classification
Binomial details
Peromyscus laceianus V. O. Bailey, 1906

Split from Peromyscus pectoralis by Bradley et al. (2015).


From Schmidly & Bradley (2016): "Peromyscus laceianus (formerly P. pectoralis) is a small-eared, long-tailed deermouse with tarsal joint of hind foot white; pelage moderately long and lax; tail longer than head and body, scantily haired, not sharply bicolor but darker above than below, and annulations 20–24 per cm; upperparts grayish to wood brown; underparts and feet white; young bluish gray."

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External measurements

Length measurements are in millimeters (mm) and weight measurements are in grams (g), unless stated otherwise. If available, the sample size (n=) is provided. If a range is not provided and n= is not given, then the listed measurement represents an average.

Part of range Reference Total length Tail length Hindfoot length Ear length Mass
Texas Schmidly & Bradley (2016) 187 95 22 16 24–39
Texas (Culberson County) Cornely et al. (1981) 182–199 (n=7) 95–107 (n=7) 19–22 (n=7) 16–22 (n=7)


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Similar species

From Bradley et al. (2015): "P. laceianus is most easily confused with 2 other species of deer mice in Texas, P. attwateri and P. boylii. From P. attwateri, P. laceianus differs in smaller size (particularly in length of hind foot); paler color; white instead of dusky ankles; more sharply bicolored tail; smaller bullae; shorter incisive foramen; truncate instead of rounded posterior tip of nasals; shorter toothrow; smaller, more weakly developed mesopterygoid process; baculum with long cartilaginous spine at distal end instead of a short spine; 9–10 large chromosomes rather than 7–8. From P. boylii, P. laceianus differs in the following features: skull slightly smaller; rostrum relatively broader and heavier; braincase less vaulted; molar teeth slightly smaller; white instead of dusky ankles; posterior tip of nasals truncate rather than tapering in a V-shaped pattern; baculum with long cartilaginous spine at distal end instead of a short spine; 9–10 large biarmed chromosomes rather than 3–4."


Bailey V. 1906. A New White-Footed Mouse from Texas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 19, 57.

Bradley RD, Schmidly DJ, Amman BR, Platt RN, Neumann KM, Huynh HM, ... & Ordóñez-Garza N. 2015. Molecular and morphologic data reveal multiple species in Peromyscus pectoralis. Journal of Mammalogy 96(2): 446-459.

Schmidly DJ, Bradley RD. 2016. The mammals of Texas. Austin (TX, USA): University of Texas Press.

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