
WhiskerWiki was created to aid field biologists, specimen preparators, students, and mammal enthusiasts in the identification of shrews, moles, and small rodents in the United States of America. A significant effort has been made to ensure that the taxonomic names and species ranges provided are current and supported by published research and consultation with species experts. However, please keep in mind that the taxonomy of some groups still remains problematic; errors may exist in range maps for understudied, difficult, or cryptic groups; morphological characters may not always be robust or clear; there may be clinal variation in phenotype and genotype across different geographic scales (elevation, latitude, etc.); and there are likely exceptions to every rule. A plus side to this is that we hope you realize (with excitement) that there is still much to be discovered and many mysteries to be solved when it comes to small mammals.
The dropdown menu in the upper left corner will help navigate you to the main pages of this site, but you can also search for species, terms, keys, etc. in the search bar above. Individual species pages with detailed information for larger members of Rodentia (eg. squirrels, beaver, marmots, pocket gophers) are not available, yet. If you would like to contribute to the development of these pages or any existing pages, or if you see an error and wish to report it, please reach out through the Whiskerwiki.org User Feedback Form.